KPI6 Artificial Intelligence

State of the art Artificial Intelligence API to make your business grow. Ready to use with a simple HTTP request or from your server.

Demographic Analysis

We can automatically estimate the age and gender of a social media user by using the profile information, including the user picture. Sometimes we can also estimate income and job position.

Entity Detection

Our tool can extract entities from text and classify into a very detailed and specific taxonomy, with different levels of precision.

Sentiment Analysis

We can classify the sentiment of a short text or detect the type of emotion it conveys with state-of-the-art accuracy.

Knowledge Graph

You can get information about any famous entity and discriminate between people, companies, sports, job positions and much more.

Dataset Similarity

Our proprietary software, Polygons™, can be used to compare the distance between multiple datasets, also taking outliers into account.

Train on your own Dataset

We also offer a paid service that allows you to pick a Machine Learning model and train it on your own dataset to solve any problem with your own dedicated machine.

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